Saturday, 27 August 2011

Spain week 1

First week of spain was amazing, however.. first day was a tragedy..
within 7 hoursof being in spain my friend stupidly got her blackberry stolen, then her dad left his laptop and our passports on the coach we were on to get to the location we were staying. Then I waited around a bus stop for 3 hours until her dad had found the coach and got the laptop & passports.. altogether. not touched. but THEN... we ended up staying in some weird tiny flat, with no air con.. or fans and unreliable electricity.. ( we were meant to stay in a nice villa) however.. the view from our flat was amazing, & we were literally on the beach and next to a lake for wind surfing and canoeing. The sun & heat was incredible, we went cycling, made friends with the spanish and french, drank cocktails, smoked shisha & what not.. it was a great first week.
Second week = Barcelona; hookers, markets, being offered drugs at every corner.. & so on.
will post more about it tomorrow! X

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about the first day, I'm glad it improved from then on ;) Cocktails and shisha make a holiday!
    The little I see of them, I'm loving your outfits (as per usual). I am mad about your bikini!

    xxx irinja (
